Looks like Antonio Banderas is going to expand his directorial career:
Spanish actor Antonio Banderas said on Tuesday his second stint at the helm of a movie, a coming-of-age piece set in his native Malaga, had sharpened his appetite to spend more time directing.
Speaking at a news conference at the Berlin film festival after a screening of the film, in Spanish "El Camino de los Ingleses" and in English "Summer Rain", Banderas said he was also likely to be the writer on the next project he undertakes.
As an actor, he is known for his portrayal of Zorro and his voice role as Puss in Boots in "Shrek 2" and he made his debut as a director with 1999's "Crazy in Alabama", starring his wife, Melanie Griffith.
I'll admit that I've never really quite understood this. Why do people think that being a good actor will make you a good director, or a good writer?