Monday, June 25, 2007
New Katie Holmes information source
If you are looking for that sort of news then you'll want to head over to this blog, dedicated to news about Katie Holmes.
There's a mixture of news reports, photos and video pieces, all dedicated to bringing you the latest on Katie Holmes.
Friday, June 15, 2007
But here's the new must have addition for your PC set up. The USB Missile Launcher.
Plug it into a USB port, load the software and you can fire a foam missile 10 feet.
Err, quite, so what would you use it for then?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Hijabs and Taekwondo?
The Muslim hijab, banned at a taekwondo tournament in Quebec last month, will be allowed at the 2007 World Championship in Quebec City later this month, the International Taekwon-Do Federation announced on Friday.
The decision by a Quebec federation last month to bar a team of Muslim girls from taking part with their hijabs at the regional tournament had prompted protests of discrimination, but Quebec federation officials said it was a matter of safety.
That group was affiliated with the World Taekwondo Federation, a rival group to the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), which said on Friday it would temporarily allow the head scarves at its May 31-June 3 championship.
Maybe there's a special version, like the Burquini?
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Nice Ringtones Site
I have to notice that the site offers free free MP3 Ringtones, Real Tones, Midi Ringtones. Every carrier is available. Get free Cingular Ringtones and free Sprint Ringtones.
Besides the site has an informative blog for mobile phones and a page dedicated to the famous Mosquito Ringtones. Do you know what a mosquito ringtone is? It is the new, cool weapon that children use in order to receive a call or an sms without being noticeable from the adults. This is due to the fact that the adults can’t hear some high frequency sounds.
Well, I suppose that Goldringtone is the ideal site for someone who wants to download one or more free ringtones, easily.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
New Sandra Bullock Vehicle
Sandra Bullocki is back in action in the new romantic thriller "Premonition".
Sandra Bullock stars in a new romantic thriller as a woman caught between what she knows is reality and a nightmare that she fears will come true. Alan Silverman has a look at Premonition.
The apparently idyllic life of suburban housewife Linda Hanson is devastated by what the police officer at the door tells her. Then she awakens the next morning to find her husband Jim in bed next to her and very much alive.
But when the pattern starts to repeat ...when she wakes up to find her family in mourning ...Linda begins to believe that she is experiencing a Premonition and becomes determined to change the tragic fate it foretells.
Sandra Bullock stars as Linda and says she had to come to terms with her own beliefs about the unsettling feeling that something is about to happen. "I do think that there is something to human nature. You can call it intuitiveness or 'gut instinct' ...people who know things that have happened. It has happened to a lot of people, so when someone says to me 'I had a bad feeling that something is going to happen and then it did,' I don't know how to explain it. It can't be explained by science, but I believe in that happening," says the actress.
Another one to avoid there I think.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Antonio Banderas
Looks like Antonio Banderas is going to expand his directorial career:
Spanish actor Antonio Banderas said on Tuesday his second stint at the helm of a movie, a coming-of-age piece set in his native Malaga, had sharpened his appetite to spend more time directing.
Speaking at a news conference at the Berlin film festival after a screening of the film, in Spanish "El Camino de los Ingleses" and in English "Summer Rain", Banderas said he was also likely to be the writer on the next project he undertakes.
As an actor, he is known for his portrayal of Zorro and his voice role as Puss in Boots in "Shrek 2" and he made his debut as a director with 1999's "Crazy in Alabama", starring his wife, Melanie Griffith.
I'll admit that I've never really quite understood this. Why do people think that being a good actor will make you a good director, or a good writer?
Friday, February 2, 2007
Harry Potter Doesn't Die
Or at least so claims an American academic:
Harry Potter's days may be numbered.
J.K. Rowling, author of the popular fantasy series about the boy wizard and his battle with the evil Lord Voldemort, announced Thursday that the final book in the series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," will be released on July 21.
And Rowling has a more ominous warning: two main characters will die before the series ends.
But James Krasner, a professor of British literature at the University of New Hampshire, believes Harry will ultimately live to tell another tale.
Because "good has to win."
"Certain art forms are meant to fulfill expectations, to give gratification," Krasner said. "If you read a romance novel and the lovers don't get together in the end, you're not interested."
Krasner said Rowling's threat to kill off at least two main characters in the final book is a way of "taking control" of her creations. It's not uncommon for authors whose characters have become wildly popular to engage in a tug-of-war with readers over who the characters belong to, he said.
That stories are supposed to work in a particular way would seem to me to be a fairly weak piece of evidence to use.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Di Caprio and Scorcese
Leonardo Di Caprio says that it's a joke that Martin Scorcese, the veteran film director, doesn't have any oOscars. That's odd, I'd have thought he got one either for Taxi Driver or Raging Bull.
Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio said on Thursday that director Martin Scorsese deserved to win an Oscar for his new movie, "The Departed", adding it was a "joke" the veteran director still had not been awarded for any of his works.
"It would be wonderful if this film was rewarded, I think it very much deserves it," said DiCaprio, who stars in the crime thriller that won a Golden Globe award for best film this week.
"And I certainly think the man to my left does. It's quite long overdue, almost a practical joke at this point that that hasn't happened," he said, referring to Scorsese who was also attending a news conference ahead of the film's opening in Japan this weekend.
Despite being regarded by many as a master of cinema, Scorsese has never received an Academy Award for a single film, including for such revered works as "Raging Bull" and "Taxi Driver"
OK, so people agree that he should have got one for those two films but didn't.